Research Agenda

My research focuses on inclusive healthcare practices, understanding trauma and resilience, and quantitative research methodology. I have firsthand personal and professional experience with how LGBTQ+ individuals and other underserved populations navigate environments that are often hostile or unprepared to meet their needs, and this has informed my research focus. I believe that research should be actionable and relevant to the communities it serves. For example, the LGBTQ+ population has been historically harmed and underserved by the scholarly and healthcare fields, causing significant barriers to accessing competent and affirming care. My research works to promote equity of care and develop tools specific to this population, such as the Trans-Inclusive Questionnaire for Updating Intake Practices (T-QUIP). My research focuses on generating practical, evidence-based solutions and improved understanding for inclusive healthcare, trauma and resilience, and quantitative research methods and application. 

Inclusive Healthcare

The LGBTQ+ population has historically faced harm and exclusion in healthcare systems, resulting in significant barriers to accessing competent and affirming care. There is a need for systemic change to ensure that all individuals feel seen, respected, and affirmed in healthcare settings. My work addresses these systemic inequities by focusing on the development of inclusive clinical practices and tools that serve marginalized populations. For example, my dissertation, Trans-Inclusive and Competent Clinical Practices: Improving Clinical Intakes and Settings, focused on updating intake processes and improving clinical environments to meet the needs of trans and gender-diverse clients. I have further contributed to the literature on inclusive healthcare through projects such as How the Compulsory Gender Binary Language in the DSM-5’s Category of Sexual Interest Disorders Interacts Negatively with Patients’ Nonbinary and Genderqueer Identities, which critiques how diagnostic language perpetuates marginalization for gender-diverse populations. Additionally, I am actively involved in research aimed at developing practical tools for clinicians and assessing the state of inclusive healthcare, including the project Measuring TAPE: A Study of Trans-Affirming Providers’ Experiences.
Select Past Refereed Publications in Inclusive Healthcare
  • Zeiger, K. D., Ball, M.A. (2022) How the Compulsory Gender Binary Language in the DSM-5’s Category of Sexual Interest Disorders Interacts Negatively with Patients’ Nonbinary and Genderqueer Identities. Sexuality & Culture 26, 1531–1539 (2022).
  • Zeiger, K. D. (2024). Trans Inclusive and Competent Clinical Practices: Improving Clinical Intakes and Settings. Dissertation. University of Iowa
  • Zeiger, K. D. (2025, Under Contract). Cameras Off: Gender Dysphoria in Teletherapy. In Rebecca Cobb. (Ed), The Therapist’s Notebook for Teletherapy with Children and Adolescents: Creative Interventions for Effective Online Therapy. Routledge
Select Current Projects in Inclusive Healthcare
  • Zeiger, K. D., Sandoval, J., & Thomas, B. (Journal Article In Progress). Developing the T-QUIP: Trans-Inclusive Questionnaire for Updating Intake Practices.
  • Zeiger, K. D. & Watters, E. R. (Journal Article In Progress). Poly Affirmative, Competent, and Inclusive Couples and Partners Therapy.
  • Roberts, N., Jendrzejewski, S., Molière, N. K., Gutierrez, D., … & Zeiger, K. D. (Project in Progress). Measuring TAPE: A Study of Trans-Affirming Providers’ Experiences.
  • Gutierrez, D., Roberts, N., … & Zeiger, K. D. (Project in Progress). National Gender and Sexuality Minority Stress Lab.

Trauma and Resilience

Trauma disproportionately impacts marginalized populations, including LGBTQ+ and ethnically diverse individuals, who face higher rates of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and minority stressors. Despite these challenges, these individuals and communities are resilient. My research focuses on understanding trauma and promoting resilience, especially in relation to identity development and mental health outcomes. The goal is to inform trauma-informed, strengths-based policies and practices that better serve marginalized communities. I was second author on Loss of Safe Spaces: Ambiguous Loss and Minority Stressors of BIPOC LGBTQ+ Communities Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic, which examines how experiences of loss of accessible spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic interacted with adversity and resilience in the BIPOC LGBTQ+ community. Additionally, I was the second author of Child Care Subsidies: Opportunities for Prevention of Child Maltreatment, which developed a tool to assess state level policies as compared to statistical evidence of that state level policy impact. Exploring how policies can be leveraged to reduce harm within vulnerable populations. My current project, Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect on Significant Relationships in Adolescents: Using a Family Ecological Theory and Family Stress and Resilience Theory Framework, quantitatively examines data around how trauma experiences influences adolescent relationships, with the goal of informing interventions and policies that support resilience during adolescence development.
Select Past Refereed Publications in Trauma and Resilience
  • Gutierrez, D., Zeiger, K. D., Rago, C., Rodriguez Jimenez, K., Schiff, B., & McGee, S. (2024). Loss of safe spaces: Ambiguous loss and minority stressors of BIPOC LGBTQ+ communities amidst the covid-19 pandemic. Sexual and Gender Diversity in Social Services, 1–27.
  • Rochford, H. I., Zeiger, K. D., & Peek-Asa, C. (2023). State-level education policies: Opportunities for secondary prevention of child maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 136, 106018.
  • Rochford, H. I., Zeiger, K. D., & Peek-Asa, C. (2022). Child Care Subsidies: Opportunities for Prevention of Child Maltreatment. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-11.
  • Rochford, H., Zeiger, K. D., & Peek-Asa, C. (2022). School-based policies for child maltreatment recognition & response. Injury Prevention.
Select Current Projects in Trauma and Resilience
  • Zeiger, K. D. & Sandoval, J. (Journal Article In Progress). Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect on Significant Relationships in Adolescents: Using a Family Ecological Theory and Family Stress and Resilience Theory Framework.
  • Zeiger, K. D. & Hartenstein, J. L. (Journal Article In Progress). “My Family Just Totally Rejected It”: A Narrative Exploration into Rural U.S. Trans and Gender Variant Identities and Adverse Stress Experiences.
  • Watters, E. R., Reed-Fitzke, K., & Zeiger, K. D. (Journal Article In Progress). Abuse and Adolescent Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors: A Stress Process Approach to Examining the Role of Parental-Child Relationships.
  • Rochford, H., Zeiger, K. D., & Peek-Asa, C. (Journal Article In Progress). Family Violence Victim Services Access: Opportunities for Child Maltreatment Prevention.
  • Rochford, H., Zeiger, K. D., & Peek-Asa, C. (Journal Article In Progress). Medicaid Eligibility for Parents: Opportunities for Prevention of Child Maltreatment.

Quantitative Research Methods and Application

Quantitative research methods are important to promoting empirically validated research. My work focuses on developing and adapting quantitative tools and methods to better capture the experiences of marginalized communities and those communities historically harmed and stigmatized by the scholarly field. I also have a goal to make these tools more accessible and usable for researchers and practitioners, particularly in fields that serve diverse populations. For example, I am currently involved with developing the book Diversifying Statistical Methods for Couple and Family Therapists: A Practical, Systemic Guide to Data Analysis with SPSS & R. Additionally, my currently in progress thesis for a MA in Educational Measurement and Statistics is titled Factor Analysis and Dimensionality Assessment of Modified LGBT Minority Stress Scale for BIPOC LGBTQ+ American Population, looking at application of a Modified LGBT Minority Stress Scale with BIPOC LGBTQ+ individuals and if modification is suggested.
Select Current Projects in  Quantitative Research Methods and Application 
  • Zeiger, K. D. (Thesis in progress). Factor Analysis and Dimensionality Assessment of Modified LGBT Minority Stress Scale for BIPOC LGBTQ+ American Population
  • Watters, E. R., Gutierrez, D., & Zeiger, K. D. (Book In Progress). Diversifying Statistical Methods for Couple and Family Therapists: A Practical, Systemic Guide to Data Analysis with SPSS & R. 

Experience with Project Funding

I was a co-investigator and second author for a $22,000 grant awarded project State Education, Economic & Victim Services Policies: Opportunities for Child Maltreatment Mitigation across the Prevention Continuum. I was also a co-investigator and second author for a $8,500 grant awarded project Loss of Safe Spaces: How Ethnically and Sexually Marginalized Communities Utilize Resiliency to Combat Minority Stressors and Adverse Mental Health Outcomes During COVID-19.  I have completed two courses focused on navigating funding and grant writing, including Grant Writing at the University of Iowa and Integrated Project (Grant Applications) at the University of Central Missouri. 

Continued Research Productivity

My commitment to continued research productivity is centered around projects that advance inclusive healthcare, explore trauma and resilience, and improve the accessibility and applicability of quantitative research methods. Such as with the development and implementation of the Trans-Inclusive Questionnaire for Updating Intake Practices (T-QUIP), which provides  real-world applicable tool to improve clinical paperwork and processes for trans and gender diverse patients. My work will continue to focus on filling in gaps in knowledge and practice, and working to inform policies, interventions, and quantitative practice.

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